
Legal notice

Terms of Use

Mediante la web www.ibericalanguages.com se facilita el acceso al Portal web propiedad de Ibérica Languages para ofrecer a los Usuarios el acceso general a la información, actividades, productos y servicios que ofrece. El hecho de conectarse a esta página web atribuye al navegante la condición de Usuario del Sitio, lo cual implica la aceptación del presente Aviso Legal. El Usuario se compromete a no utilizar cualquiera de los contenidos que www.ibericalanguages.com ponga a su disposición para desarrollar actividades contrarias a las leyes, a la moral o al orden público y, en general, a hacer un uso conforme a las presentes condiciones; y responderá, frente al propietario y / o frente a terceros, de cualesquiera daños y perjuicios que pudieran causar se como consecuencia del incumplimiento de dicha obligación. Quien utiliza este sitio web, lo hace por su propia responsabilidad. Ibérica Languages se reserva el derecho a interrumpir el acceso a su Sitio web, a servicios y contenidos del Portal, de manera temporal o definitiva, cuando así lo estime conveniente y sin previo aviso, ya sea por motivos técnicos, de seguridad, de control, de mantenimiento, por fallos de suministro eléctrico o por cualquier otra causa. Ibérica Languages se reserva el derecho a alterar, en cualquier momento y sin previo aviso, la configuración, presentación o el diseño, de su web, así como algunos o todos los contenidos, y modificar las condiciones de uso expuestas en este Aviso Legal.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

The intellectual property rights to all content and graphic design of this website are owned by Ibérica Languages or the collaborating schools. Reproduction, copying, use, distribution, commercialization, or public communication, except for personal and private use, without authorization constitutes an infringement of the intellectual property rights of Ibérica Languages or its collaborating schools, and is subject to sanctions under current legislation. Likewise, all trade names, trademarks, or distinctive signs of any kind contained on the website are protected by law. Additionally, the User acknowledges that the information they may access through the website may be protected by industrial, intellectual, or other types of property rights. Ibérica Languages will not be liable in any case and under any circumstances for any infringement of such rights that may be committed by the User.


Ibérica Languages is not responsible for the misuse of the website content by Internet Users, with the User being solely responsible for any violations they may commit. Similarly, it disclaims any responsibility for information not contained on these web pages and, therefore, not created by Ibérica Languages or not published under its name.
Ibérica Languages will not be liable for any service interruptions, delays, errors, malfunctions, or other inconveniences that arise from causes beyond its control and/or due to willful or negligent actions by the User and/or due to force majeure.
In addition to what is established in Article 1105 of the Civil Code, force majeure shall include, for the purposes of these general conditions, all events occurring beyond the control of Ibérica Languages, such as: failures by third parties, operators, or service companies, acts of government, lack of access to third-party networks, acts or omissions by public authorities, events caused by natural phenomena, blackouts, etc., and attacks by hackers or specialized third parties on the security or integrity of the computer system, provided that Ibérica Languages has adopted all existing security measures in accordance with the state of the art.
In any case, regardless of the cause, Ibérica Languages will not assume any liability for direct or indirect damages, consequential damages, and/or lost profits. Ibérica Languages reserves the right, without any compensation to the User for these concepts, to temporarily suspend the services and content of the website for maintenance, improvement, or repair operations.
Ibérica Languages is not responsible for any damage that may occur to Users’ equipment due to potential computer viruses contracted during their navigation of the website or any other damage arising from that navigation. Ibérica Languages is responsible for the accuracy of the website and its content but not for any changes made by the collaborating schools without prior notice.

Jurisdiction and Applicable Law

For any disputes related to this legal notice, the parties expressly agree to submit to the courts of Málaga (Spain) and the applicable state and regional legislation.

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