How is October 12th Celebrated in Spain?

How is October 12th Celebrated in Spain? Every October 12th, Spain celebrates one of the most iconic dates in its history: Hispanic Day. This day commemorates Christopher Columbus’s discovery of America in 1492, an event that marked the beginning of the expansion of Spanish culture and language throughout the world. Additionally, October 12th is Spain’s National Day, celebrated with official events, parades, and a wide variety of cultural activities.


Origins of October 12th: History and Significance


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Retrato de Colón

The 12th of October has its roots in one of the most significant historical moments, not only for Spain but for the entire world. It was on this date in 1492 that Christopher Columbus arrived in America, on a voyage that would change global history and begin an era of cultural, linguistic, and economic exchanges between Europe and the American continent.


In Spain, the celebration of October 12th has evolved over time. Initially known as Día de la Raza (Day of the Race), it focused on the unity of Spanish-speaking peoples. Later, in 1981, it was officially recognized as Spain’s National Day. Today, Hispanic Day reflects the value of Hispanic culture and the pride of a language shared by more than 500 million people worldwide.

How October 12th is Celebrated in Spain


The central event of Hispanic Day takes place in Madrid with an impressive military parade presided over by the King and Queen of Spain, along with high-ranking state authorities. This parade is one of the most anticipated moments, featuring the participation of the Spanish Armed Forces, demonstrating their skill and commitment to the country. Military aircraft paint Madrid’s skies with the colors of the Spanish flag, while thousands of people gather in the streets to enjoy the festive atmosphere. Besides the parade, many cities and towns organize cultural activities, concerts, and exhibitions that celebrate Spain’s rich cultural and historical heritage, as well as its relationship with Spanish-speaking countries.


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A Day to Reflect on Cultural Diversity


October 12th is not without controversy, particularly in Latin America, where for many people it is not a day of celebration, but a reminder of colonization and its consequences. While in Spain it is commemorated as a milestone in the expansion of Spanish culture and language, in several American countries, it is viewed as the beginning of centuries of exploitation, violence, and oppression toward indigenous peoples. For some, this day marks the start of the loss of ancestral cultures and territories, as well as the imposition of European customs and religions that deeply affected native societies. As a result, in some nations, the holiday has been renamed to recognize indigenous resistance and the impact of colonization.

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October 12th Today: A Day for the Spanish Language and Culture


Today, Hispanic Day is also an occasion to celebrate Spanish as a global language. The ties that unite Spanish-speaking countries are reflected in the various activities organized not only in Spain but across Ibero-America. From conferences on the Spanish language and literature to music, dance, and gastronomy events, October 12th is a tribute to the cultural influence of the Hispanic world.

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