
Oficina de Portugués

About the center

Oficina de Português (OdP) es la única escuela dedicada exclusivamente a enseñar portugués como lengua extranjera. Nuestros cursos privilegian un enfoque comunicativo, lo que significa que aprender portugués con nosotros equivale a hablar portugués en el menor tiempo posible. OdP potencia tu experiencia de aprendizaje del portugués planificando lecciones interesantes, dinámicas y pragmáticas y al mismo tiempo llevándote a pequeños viajes o tours en Oporto.

Our courses

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Why choose our accommodation?

Attendance and additional support

When staying with us, you will have the support and assistance of the school staff. We search for the best accommodation that suits your needs.


Sharing an apartment with other students will help you connect and integrate better into the school. And if it's with a host family, your language immersion will be complete."

Comfortable journeys

The accommodations are carefully selected to ensure the most comfortable, safe, and reliable journey to the school.


Facilities and services




Long-Term EU Student Visa"

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