Advantages of booking with us

When making a language course booking through an agency you can be sure that you are choosing the best quality for the best price. The agencies work only with the high quality schools which are recognized by various official teaching centers. The agents know well the schools that they cooperate with and their courses so they are able to help the students to choose the option that suits them best. The process of signing up for a language course is usually faster and easier. Also, some of the students are discouraged to talk to the schools directly because of the language barrier, which is not a problem when booking through an agency – the agent speaks your native language!


The advantages of booking your Spanish, Italian and Portuguese course with us:


Experience and passion


Travelling and foreign languages learning have been our passion for years. We have been in your shoes and we also went to study abroad so we know exactly the expectations you will have towards your course, school, accommodation etc. We believe that going abroad to study, while learning a new language, immersing yourself in another culture is one of the most enjoyable experiences in life. And the culture that attracts us most is the culture of the Iberian Peninsula! We are fascinated by the Spanish and Portuguese language, just as much as we are charmed with the fado of Lisbon, the flamenco of Sevilla, the delicious paella from Valencia and the Gaudi’s architecture of Barcelona.


Low prices


If you think that only the well-to-do ones can afford to live such a rewarding experience as studying Spanish, Italian and Portuguese abroad, you are wrong! We have carefully selected our language schools to be able to offer you affordable prices, but keeping in mind the high quality of service. We are not going to charge you any extra fees! Our prices are always the same as if you were booking directly at the school, and in many cases even lower, as we offer special discounts only for our customers.


High quality


We can assure you of the highest quality of teaching; our centers have been recognized by various official teaching organizations. The schools we offer have been carefully selected from a huge variety of schools in the entire Peninsula.


Personalized counseling


We guarantee personalized approach and professional service; we know well the schools we work with and their courses. We will guide you and help you to choose the study program that best suits your needs. Moreover, we will help you to plan your trip, we will clarify your concerns and will be happy to answer to all the queries you might have. If needed, we will help you to find a flight or other mean of transport that will take you to your destination.


Variety of schools and destinations


Spain and Portugal are both countries of great variety of culture, landscape, traditions and climate. That is why we created a wide variety of destinations, and we keep expanding our offer for you. The schools we cooperate with offer many types of courses: standard, intensive, super intensive, official exams preparation, teen summer camps, family and over 50 courses. We strongly recommend the packages: language + hobby, e.g. language + dance classes, water sports classes or cuisine, which will make you enjoy the experience of studying in Spain, Italy and Portugal to the fullest.

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